Henok Shiferaw
From Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Patent Examiner in Electrical/Computer Engineering
- e-mailadmin[at]hshiferaw[dot]com
- Phone336.###.4223 Tweets by Meaty_Pirate
About Me
A short story about me.
I graduated with a Bachelors Science in Manufacturing Engineering/System, a Masters in Computational Science and Engineering from North Carolina A&T State University in 2012 and PhD candidate in Computational Science and Engineering in North Carolina A&t State University.
I now work at USPTO as a Primary Patent Examiner in Electrical/Computer Engineering to evaluate patent applications in the NetworkPrinting, Scanning, Color, Halftone, Image Analysis, Data Compression, Data Analysis, Data Encryption, Barcode Symbology, FAX/PRINTER/SCANNER Technology and Display System arts forcompliance with federal patent laws and regulations.
"Henok is special! He possesses a high degree of commitment, is very dependable, pays close attention to detail, goes the extra mile and has a pleasant demeanor. I had Henok in several classes while he was a student at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University."

"I have known Henok since 2013 when he took one graduate course from me. The course covered Scientific Data, Databases, and Data Science. He performed well in class work and in group project work. He demonstrated strong computational and database skills in his contributions to the large class project. He does careful, thoughtful work, and is a good team player."

"It is with great pleasure that I recommend Henok Shiferaw. I’ve gotten to know Henok, through his attentiveness while working for me in the Office of Technology Innovation at North Carolina A&T State University. Henok was a pleasure to mentor and an asset to my office. He was always on top of assignments, met deadlines and assisted others when needed. He was eager to learn and caught on fast. Henok always showed maturity and concern about his performance and career goals.."

Personal Interest

A new hobby that i just picked up and we will see how far i can go with it.

Current member of the Apple Beta Software Program (IOS & MacOS).

Interested in how up-and-coming technologies are fluctuating the globe.

Social Media
Mostly active on and r/linux, r/vimporn, r/unixporn, r/thinkpad, r/soccer and occasional on

I enjoy reading about tech. A list of my favorite books, movie, TV shows, YouTube videos, articles and news sources on the internet will be added here.

"Intelligence, intensive interest, knowledge, ideas, creative instinct, non-conformity, courage, and persistence"
My philosophy in life
Fun Facts
Coffee Consumed
I once lived off coffee, beer, and Red Bull, often in that order. Now it's mostly coffee, coffee and cheap wine.
So far I have traveled 4 different countries and I have more places to visit on my bucket list.
I love soccer to the extent I go out of my way to buy the video games for the sport. It is really fun, exciting, and competitive.
I am currently a full time teleworker, and that sometimes get lonely which is helping me to network and find my inner circle.
7 Years of Experience
Expected 2021
PhD Candidate In Computational Science and Engineering
NC A&T State UniversityAdvanced computational modeling, simulation and visualization and providing computational solutions to problems of high dimensions or involving large datasets.
December 2011
MS In Computational Science and Engineering
NC A&T State UniversityMastering high-performance computer programming tools as methods, as well as the acquisition, processing and analysis of large datasets.
May 2009
BS in Manufacturing Engineering/System
NC A&T State UniversityStrong understanding of engineering fundamentals across many areas (physics, chemistry, energy, power).
April 2017 - Current
Primary Patent Examiner
United States Patent & Trademark OfficeEvaluate patent applications in the Network Printing,Scanning, Color, Halftone, Image Analysis, Data Compression, Data Analysis, Data Encryption, Barcode Symbology, FAX/PRINTER/SCANNER Technology and Display System arts for compliance with federal patent laws and regulations.
May 2012 - April 2017 2012
Patent Examiner
United States Patent & Trademark OfficeTraining in case law, examination, claim interpretation, restrictions, utility, appeals and appeal briefs, double patenting, 35 U.S.C. 102, 103, and 112, and MPEP.
Summer 2007 - May 2012
Licensing Associate
Office of Outreach and Technology TransferProvide patent and marketing research results to the university facility, staff, and students. Assess research-funded technologies for their competitive advantage and commercial potential.
Statistical Analysis of Uncertainties in Deterministic Computational Modeling – Application to Composite Process Resin Infusion Flow Model.
Deterministic physics-based flow modeling provides an effective way to simulate and understand the resin flow infusion process in liquid composite molding processes and its variants. These are effective to provide optimal injection time and locations prior to gelation for given process parameters of resin viscosity and preform permeability. However, there could be significant variations in these two parameters during actual manufacturing. This paper presents simulation-based statistical analysis of uncertainties of these process parameters involved in the resin flow infusion. Two key process parameters, viscosity and permeability, and their statistical variations are examined individually and subsequently in combination for their impact on the associated injection time. Values from statistical probability distribution of the process parameters were employed to find the solution space for this engineering application through deterministic physics-based process flow modeling simulations. A bivariate confidence envelope was developed using the appropriate Cumulative Density Function for a 95% probability of successfully completing resin infusion prior to physical resin gelation time. A logistic regression model for the influence of resin viscosity and permeability on the binary response of successful resin infusion is presented and conforms well to the sensitivity analysis inferences ... Full paper
Probabilistic Analysis of Property Uncertainties Using Resin Infusion Flow Modeling and Simulations – Resin Viscosity And Preform Permeability.
For LCM processes modeling and optimization substantial amount of research and work has been done. Several researches have been done based one-dimensional mold filling models, thin-shell molds, and three-dimensional models that simulate the mold filling, and heat transfer and curing stages. The objective of this work is to study the two key parameters: preform permeability and resin viscosity in liquid composite molding. This thesis research involves several tasks: develop different kind of an integrated LCM simulation using simulation software such as ANSYS, develop statistical characterization for viscosity and permeability data value by using statistical software SPSS, and develop design and solution of LCM process with simulation and process parameters. Also research involved in development of the integrated design environment with ANSYS, C++, SPSS, and Tec-plot. The viscosity and permeability data were characterized using statistical methods and the stochastic properties distribution type and parameters. Based on the assumption that viscosity and permeability data values distribute statistically (normal distribution), optimal tooling design was simulated. In this thesis research, robust tooling design was conducted focusing on the two important parameters; viscosity and permeability, so that the process was insensitive to the viscosity and permeability variation for producing consistent part in a minimal time and quality ... Full paper